NO COVER – $3, $4, $5. Ladies night @The Headhouse featuring LIVE Entertainment from Dave Morrison & Kait Skrocki @The HeadHouse 122 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 9pm -12am. $3.00 beer can specials, $4.00 draft beer specials and $5.00 wine & mixed drink specials. $1.00 off select craft beers and food orders during HappyHour 4pm – 8pm and 20% off 6 packs to go for EVERYONE…If your “IN THE BIZ” bring your work ID or pay-stub and receive 10% off your entire check All NIGHT LONG.
Awesome Sushi great food menu and and amazing selection of craft beers on tap and in the bottle stop on by at The HeadHouse -You will be glad you did!!! 122 Lombard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
CLICK HERE for Facebook event page…
Get Directions – https://maps.google.com/maps?q=122+Lombard+Street%2C+Philadelphia%2C+PA
This is the a weekly Thursday night ladies night with live entertainment over at The HeadHouse. Stop in and enjoy a great night because Thursday is the new Friday!!!
For more information please visit The HeadHouse’s Thursday night events page – https://www.facebook.com/pages/345Thursdays-Ladies-Night-The-Headhouse/464249693607276
New and improved Tokio HeadHouse website coming soon. Attention Musicians we are looking for artists to book Thursday night gigs.
Follow Dave Morrison on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/davemorrisonmusic
Starting out in the basement with his friend Tom, it was only up from there! Music school gave him better control over his voice and the guitar but the love of catchy music and writing lyrics is what’s keeping this project alive.
Dave Morrison has two goals every time he plays: to make you happy and to make you think. A mix of emotional beauty and up-beat high notes leave you feeling satisfied and happier than before he started.
Artists We Also Like
Jason Mraz, Fun, Barenaked Ladies, Iron and Wine, Jamie Cullum, Stevie Wonder, Ani DiFranco, Adele, Musical Theater, Jason Robert Brown
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